The Pleasure Ethic Conversations

2025 Dates TBA

Small group, in-person, facilitated workshops

Facilitated small group conversations exploring emotional, erotic, and relational intelligence. Developing fluency in sex, intimacy, and relating require skill and knowledge - like all meaningful subjects of learning.

Emotional Literacy

Developing Emotional Vocabulary

  • Being emotionally literate means knowing that emotion is part of the landscape of being human - we can’t feel or not feel, or feel some emotions and not others. We can however consciously engage in how we experience and express emotion - with potential for improving mental health, feeling more satisfied and connected in relationships, and having a more vibrant experience of life overall.

Erotic Literacy

How Sex and Eroticism Really Work

  • Eroticism is the energy of arousal, of the creative drive. It isn’t only sex (and sex isn’t always erotic). In this conversation we explore how the erotic is always available to us, expand the definition of pleasure, and explore the question "what is the point of sex” - where and how sex and eroticism overlap in our unique makeup.

Relational Literacy

Communication & Boundaries

  • In the third conversation we bring it all together for the fundamentals of satisfying relationships. We explore techniques and practices for emotionally focused communication, and how the art of relational boundaries can connect us more deeply to ourselves and each other.

The Pleasure Ethic Conversations

Information & Cost

A Conversation series exploring emotional, erotic, and relational intelligence in an expertly facilitated, inclusive, judgment free setting. In person, in Oakland, max of 10 participants.


Per conversation: $150

Series of three: $375

To join the conversation - or to inquire about hosting one or all for your group, school, or organization - schedule an initial free consultation call below. I look forward to speaking with you!

*Preliminary pricing.

**No one will be turned away for lack of funds. I’m happy to discuss sliding scale with anyone who needs it.